Trevor Fox

Track REST APIs with the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol

Google Analytics got a whole lot more interesting when the Measurement Protocol was introduced. We already knew GA was the industry standard for web analytics but with the Measurement Protocol it has become the analytics platform of anything and everything that can be made digital. With some clever instrumentation, we can now use it to …

Track REST APIs with the Google Analytics Measurement Protocol Read More »

Learn the Power of API’s for Digital Marketing | $10k Tech Skills 3/4

This is part 3 of 4 of the $10k Technical Skills for Digital Marketing. You could be so much faster! Right now, you are using your browser to view HTML pages. You go to a page, get some information and move on. Imagine how much more information you could gather if you could tell your browser to look at …

Learn the Power of API’s for Digital Marketing | $10k Tech Skills 3/4 Read More »

How to Make a Google Apps Script RESTful API or Service

You know what’s cooler than calling API’s and services with Google Apps Script? Making your own API with Google Apps Script. After playing around with my first REST API with Python and Bottle, I wondered how this could be done even cheaper and quicker; without worrying about the complexities of databases and hosting. When it’s simple …

How to Make a Google Apps Script RESTful API or Service Read More »

Learn Programming and Databases for Digital Marketing | $10k Tech Skills 2/4

This is part t in the $10k Technical Skills for Digital Marketing Series. Part one introduced the importance of learning client-side technologies and offers a plan to learn Javascript, HTML and CSS for digital marketing. This post broadens the picture by introducing server-side programming and databases, which together compose web applications. Understanding how web applications work …

Learn Programming and Databases for Digital Marketing | $10k Tech Skills 2/4 Read More »

How to Opt-Out of Optimizely ( in One Click

What does “waiting for ‘’ mean? In short, ‘cdn’ means Content Distribution Network and Optimizely is a service that provides A/B Testing for websites. Optimizely makes A/B testing possible by swapping images or changing the structure or style of a web page. To do this, it has to load additional instruction on to the web page …

How to Opt-Out of Optimizely ( in One Click Read More »

Learn JavaScript, HTML and CSS for Digital Marketing | $10k Tech Skills 1/4

This is part one of four in the $10k Technical Skills for Digital Marketing series. Being able to code JavaScript, HTML and CSS are the technical skills that enable you to design the presentation and experience of your marketing messaging. JavaScript will also take you much further. These skills will really increase your market value …

Learn JavaScript, HTML and CSS for Digital Marketing | $10k Tech Skills 1/4 Read More »

7 Must-Have Chrome Extensions for Testing and Optimization

Crafting successful tests is as much about clever ideation as it is about skillful execution. These seven Chrome Extensions should be in every optimization craftsperson’s toolbox.  They help simplify the technical tasks, expedite the mundane tasks and optimize the whole creation process.  Add them to your toolbox and work smarter, not harder! Systematize: UX Check This …

7 Must-Have Chrome Extensions for Testing and Optimization Read More »

Solving Google Tag Manager Race Conditions with eventCallback

Google Tag Manager is a great solution for implementing Web analytics on AJAX-heavy apps. But at times it may seem like it adds more complexity than it relieves. Synchronizing data and events in the dataLayer is an example of this. Sometimes you will want to fire a tag that aims to send data that will show up in …

Solving Google Tag Manager Race Conditions with eventCallback Read More »

Product Scope Custom Dimension & Metrics in Google Analytics

Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce provides insight into Ecommerce performance in detail that was impossible using standard Google Analytics methods. To get the most out of Enhanced Ecommerce, you must understand the breadth of Enhanced Ecommerce data collection capabilities. This tutorial will take you from Ecommerce product page to Enhanced Ecommerce Product Data. Product Data Problem and Solution The new …

Product Scope Custom Dimension & Metrics in Google Analytics Read More »