Digital Marketing Technical Skills

Getting Started with SQL for Marketing (with Facebook Ads Example)

As a digital marketer, I use SQL every single day. And looking back on my career so far, it would be fair (though a bit reductive) to say that I could define my career by two distinct periods: before I learned SQL and after I learned SQL. The two periods are distinct for three main …

Getting Started with SQL for Marketing (with Facebook Ads Example) Read More »

The three most important things I learned in 2017

2017 has been a wild year, to say the least. From waking up wondering if closed-mindedness was becoming mainstream to waking up wondering about the likelihood of nuclear war, to waking up in any one of over a dozen countries, there has been something remarkably unstable about 2017 (even for me). But amidst all the …

The three most important things I learned in 2017 Read More »

JSON-LD Bulk Editor and File Generator for Google Sheets

As JSON-LD usage spreads across the internet and its utility increases, I find myself creating a lot more JSON-LD templates for non-standard entities… and then I find myself copying them over and over for each of their sibling entities. Finally, I decided I had had enough of this and looked to solve this problem …

JSON-LD Bulk Editor and File Generator for Google Sheets Read More »

Website Launch Checklist for Digital Marketing in 2017

Website launches are a magical time- full of promise and wonder. They are a stress-free time where every stakeholder rejoices and relaxes, knowing that the hard work is behind them. Now all they have to do is let the smooth breezes of the digital ocean carry them to the land of Internet business success. If …

Website Launch Checklist for Digital Marketing in 2017 Read More »

Add a Website Skype Button to Talk With Leads and Customers

This post demonstrates several ways to add click-to-call and click-to-chat Skype button functionality into your website. Beyond just being a modern way to use a web browser, it enables a modern approach to interacting with leads and customers. There is good reason to do this. Let me tell you why… A New Definition of “Social” Brands The …

Add a Website Skype Button to Talk With Leads and Customers Read More »

8 Tips for Writing a Great Startup Company Description

I spent some time at Rise Conference here in Hong Kong this week. The conference hosts a few hundred startups from all across Asia and offers each of them a booth, an opportunity to pitch, and the hope of meeting their next, investor, engineer, or growth hacker. It was complete startup sensory overload. The talks …

8 Tips for Writing a Great Startup Company Description Read More »


Is Slack Messenger Right for My Team? Analytics and Answers

From AOL Instant Messenger to WeChat stickers, digital communication has always fascinated me. From the beginning, there has always been so much we don’t understand about digital communication. It’s kind of like GMO; we just started using it without considering the implications. We are continually learning how to use the the digital medium to achieve …

Is Slack Messenger Right for My Team? Analytics and Answers Read More »

Top 3 Resources to Learn Digital Marketing Technical Skills | $10k Tech Skills 4/4

This is part one of four in the $10k Technical Skills for Digital Marketing series. You’ve gone a long way, Keep it up! Getting Started and the Learning Mindset Being a technical marketer is as much about using technologies as it is about learning and adapting to new ones. The learning mindset may not get its …

Top 3 Resources to Learn Digital Marketing Technical Skills | $10k Tech Skills 4/4 Read More »

Dynamically Pre-fill Google Forms with URL Parameters

Why? Because, connect all the things! Why else? Because the less information people have to fill into your form, the more likely they are to complete it – especially if you are asking them to fill in information that they will have to look up! Dynamically, pre-filling forms are a great conversion optimization hack to …

Dynamically Pre-fill Google Forms with URL Parameters Read More »