Data-Driven Marketing Starts With the Data Layer

The term “digital marketing “ should describe the marketing methods as much as it describes the marketing medium.   Too often, marketers are satisfied with their “digital marketing” efforts when they send a tweet, “blast” an email or run a search ad because their message is transmitted over a digital medium.  Unfortunately, this misunderstanding so vastly […]

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Inspecting and Debugging the Google Tag Manager dataLayer

The Data Layer Inspector and Debugger This project began as a solution to a problem that I often faced setting up Google Tag Manager and specifically the data layer. The solution that I ended making was dataLayer logger, inspector, and debugger that offered the same features as the Google Analytics Debugger but for the data

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Event Tracking on Squarespace Using Google Tag Manager

I like Google Tag Manager and Squarespace for the same reason: they simplify and streamline the processes website design and Google Analytics implementation while maintaining power and functionality of the product.  For the old sliced bread analogy, they are the greatest things to come along since the knife. Squarespace is a great plug-and-play, drag-and-drop Content Management System (CMS). It

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What is Facebook “basic info?”

Facebook “Basic Info” Means “basically everything.” The odds are good that, at one time or another, you have probably downloaded and/or signed into a game, app, or website using your Facebook ID.  From Spotify to Instagram to some stupid cartoon vegetable game, you have seen the message that looks like this: THIS APP WILL RECEIVE: Basic Info (a list of

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