Scroll to Text Fragments

How to Highlight Text On a Page with “Scroll to Text Fragments”

If you read my blog, you probably know that I am a bit of a geek about URLs. The “Universal Resource Locator” is a fundamental principle of the internet and are responsible for a lot of interesting features of the information superhighway. URLs make it possible to navigate from page to page, to change the …

How to Highlight Text On a Page with “Scroll to Text Fragments” Read More »

Pulling Reddit Metrics into Google Sheets

Reddit is a legend of the Web 2.0 transitionary time period. In that era, it was common to find rough edges around popular sites and features and Easter Eggs that could be described as “features that don’t exactly have any purpose but some people might find it cool.” (Consider Google’s “I’m feeling lucky” feature… This post …

Pulling Reddit Metrics into Google Sheets Read More »

Does CloudFront impact SEO? Let’s set it up for an S3 static site and test it!

This is the fifth post in my series about static site SEO with AWS. In the last post, we uploaded the static site to Amazon S3 so that it’s publicly accessible on the web. In this post, we’ll move beyond static site basics and start to discuss how Cloudfront CDN impacts load speeds and SEO. …

Does CloudFront impact SEO? Let’s set it up for an S3 static site and test it! Read More »

Beginner’s Guide to Content Management Systems and Templating Engines

If you’re new to web development—especially if you are coming from adjacent territory like marketing or product management, you’ve probably begun to understand the basics of variables and for loops but there’s a big gap between where you are and how things get done in the wild. The goal of this post is to introduce …

Beginner’s Guide to Content Management Systems and Templating Engines Read More »

Intro to SQL User-Defined Functions: A Redshift UDF Tutorial

As a data analyst, your credibility is as valuable as your analytical skills. And to maintain your credibility, it’s important to be able to answer questions correctly and consistently. That’s why you must be careful to integrate reproducibility into your SQL analyses. This tutorial is going to show you how you can use Redshift User …

Intro to SQL User-Defined Functions: A Redshift UDF Tutorial Read More »

Getting Started with SQL for Marketing (with Facebook Ads Example)

As a digital marketer, I use SQL every single day. And looking back on my career so far, it would be fair (though a bit reductive) to say that I could define my career by two distinct periods: before I learned SQL and after I learned SQL. The two periods are distinct for three main …

Getting Started with SQL for Marketing (with Facebook Ads Example) Read More »