A better way to LISTAGG in Google Sheets (with Pivot Tables)

The SQL LISTAGG function in Snowflake or Redshift (or STRING_AGG in BigQuery) are aggregation functions that condense textual data into easy-to-view reports. Similar to other aggregation functions (like SUM or MAX), these functions aggregate data according to the column names in a GROUP BY clause.  This is a common pattern for rolling up a column …

A better way to LISTAGG in Google Sheets (with Pivot Tables) Read More »

Linkedin Ads Company targeting

Linkedin Ads Company Targeting Options and Statistics for 2023

Company targeting is one of the most unique advertising features of Linkedin Ads. No other advertising platform has access to such an extensive and up-to-date employer-employee data set. For that reason, no other platform can natively support targeting audiences based on their employer. This makes Linkedin Ads an indispensable platform for B2B marketers and the …

Linkedin Ads Company Targeting Options and Statistics for 2023 Read More »

Customer segmentation vs. Personas: When to use and how to choose

Let’s say you want to create a new email campaign to drive sales. Should you use customer segmentation or personas? What if you want to run an A/B test on a website? Which should you use? It’s time to develop a new feature for your SaaS product… you get the idea.  Customer segmentation and personas …

Customer segmentation vs. Personas: When to use and how to choose Read More »

Writing Custom Dimension to Google Analytics from Snowflake DB

Like many data geeks, Google Analytics was the thing that first sparked my curiosity. Last week, Census released our Google Analytics integration. I could write a long list of game-changing applications for creating custom dimensions in Google Analytics from data in a Snoflake data warehouse but I’ve been swirling around one that I find particularly interesting. Here’s what …

Writing Custom Dimension to Google Analytics from Snowflake DB Read More »

From Spreadsheets to SQL: Step One towards the Minimum Viable Data Stack

“A spreadsheet is just data in single-player mode” Last week I made a mistake. I boldly claimed that “A spreadsheet is just data in single-player mode.” And while I stand by that claim. I didn’t expect to be called to account for it. As it turns out, the post was pretty popular and I think …

From Spreadsheets to SQL: Step One towards the Minimum Viable Data Stack Read More »

There’s something to learn from black hat SEO tactics for PDF files

Go search Google for “free tiktok followers” and you will see some brilliant, although dirty #blackhat #SEO. Most of the top ten results belong to a spammer who has hacked into dozens of sites and created fake profiles and uploaded .pdf files to public directories with spun content. That scam is surprising, but what’s particularly …

There’s something to learn from black hat SEO tactics for PDF files Read More »

Read This Before You Run Your First SEO A/B Test

This is a quick post to provide context for the SEO A/B test-curious people out there. I was prompted by a thread in Measure Slack and figured long-form would make more sense. I didn’t want to make this another hideously long SEO-ified post but rather get to the point quickly.  Here’s the post and then …

Read This Before You Run Your First SEO A/B Test Read More »