The two steps in Dataform execution: Javascript, then SQL statements

Understanding SQLX and Javascript in Dataform

When you think of “programming languages for data,” Javascript probably doesn’t even make the list. Yet, if you’re using Dataform, it’s almost impossible to avoid. As you’ll learn in this article, Dataform is Javascript all the way down. Even SQLX files that you write are pretty much just Javascript files under the covers. So shed …

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Google Search Console to BigQuery: The Complete Guide to GSC Bulk Export

You may have heard the hype about integrating Google Search Console and Google BigQuery using the new Bulk Export feature. If you’re like me, you recognize the power of analyzing SEO data with SQL or the BI tool of your choice (you’ve probably heard of Looker and Looker Studio.) Or you might be thinking to …

Google Search Console to BigQuery: The Complete Guide to GSC Bulk Export Read More »

A better way to LISTAGG in Google Sheets (with Pivot Tables)

The SQL LISTAGG function in Snowflake or Redshift (or STRING_AGG in BigQuery) are aggregation functions that condense textual data into easy-to-view reports. Similar to other aggregation functions (like SUM or MAX), these functions aggregate data according to the column names in a GROUP BY clause.  This is a common pattern for rolling up a column …

A better way to LISTAGG in Google Sheets (with Pivot Tables) Read More »

From Spreadsheets to SQL: Step One towards the Minimum Viable Data Stack

“A spreadsheet is just data in single-player mode” Last week I made a mistake. I boldly claimed that “A spreadsheet is just data in single-player mode.” And while I stand by that claim. I didn’t expect to be called to account for it. As it turns out, the post was pretty popular and I think …

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Intro to SQL User-Defined Functions: A Redshift UDF Tutorial

As a data analyst, your credibility is as valuable as your analytical skills. And to maintain your credibility, it’s important to be able to answer questions correctly and consistently. That’s why you must be careful to integrate reproducibility into your SQL analyses. This tutorial is going to show you how you can use Redshift User …

Intro to SQL User-Defined Functions: A Redshift UDF Tutorial Read More »

Getting Started with SQL for Marketing (with Facebook Ads Example)

As a digital marketer, I use SQL every single day. And looking back on my career so far, it would be fair (though a bit reductive) to say that I could define my career by two distinct periods: before I learned SQL and after I learned SQL. The two periods are distinct for three main …

Getting Started with SQL for Marketing (with Facebook Ads Example) Read More »